Xvideos is one of the biggest porn video sites in the world. It offers millions of videos and every day thousands are added.
Unfortunately, this site, like many other free sites, does not provide an effective system to prevent minors from accessing pornographic images and videos. A simple disclaimer informs that by entering the site, the visitor acknowledges to be 18 years old or more.
On this same disclaimer at the entrance of the site, we are offered to choose among 3 main sexual orientations: Gay, Trans and Straight. Most people will choose straight to have access to the largest library of content.
The navigation on computer is much less ergonomic than on mobile. On mobile, we have access to the main menu: categories, link to the premium version Video Red, webcams, sex shop and games.
You can register for free to download videos and interact on the site (leave a comment, like videos, save a video in your playlist ...). The video playback is fluid and loads quickly even with a bad connection.
We are on a free site but sometimes, without realizing it, we find ourselves on the Red premium site. Xvideos is part of the same group as XNXX.
Domain: https://www.xvideos.com
Last modification date: 11-29-2022
📈 Number of clicks to the site: 551