Xhamster is a free online porn site that offers thousands of different porn videos, so that everyone can find something that interests them.
Xhamster is in the top 3 most visited porn sites worldwide after xvideos and pornhub. It generates hundreds of millions of views every month, with mainly free content but also paid content (faphouse.com).
The site offers a complete experience: live, dating, photos. It's a great platform for adult content creators. They can create an account for free, broadcast their contributions and monetize their content. Xhamster is also present in the crypto porn industry by offering their NFT collection and other advantages on the site (no ads, special badges, access to the discord, and subscriptions to xhamster and faphouse...).
The site has a very efficient ergonomics with a complete and easy navigation. The results are personalized according to your country, your browsing history and the mobile version is very optimized. In short, it is easy to understand why xHamster is one of the favorite sites for porn lovers.
Domain: https://xhamster.com/
Last modification date: 12-10-2022
📈 Number of clicks to the site: 1484