Xillimité is a premium streaming service offering an extensive library of adult films from renowned studios like Vixen and Dorcel. With a commitment to ethical and responsible adult entertainment, Xillimité ensures that all content is legally compliant and respectful of all participants. The platform prioritizes the protection of minors through robust age verification methods and collaborates with public administrations and child protection associations. Xillimité also emphasizes data privacy, offering clear commercial terms without deceptive practices. The service adheres to a strict editorial charter that goes beyond legal requirements to promote positive and respectful sexuality. Health and safety are paramount, with mandatory condom use and regular STI/STD testing for performers. Additionally, Xillimité employs intimacy coordinators to ensure the well-being and consent of all artists during filming. The platform is transparent about contracts and practices, allowing artists the right to withdraw at any time. Xillimité also focuses on providing high-quality, innovative pleasure accessories, adhering to environmental and economic standards. Regular external audits ensure that partners and suppliers meet the highest production and ethical standards.
Domain: https://www.xillimite.com/
Last modification date: 01-03-2025
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