Luscious offers a huge collection of Hentai porn videos and images. It is a reference of the genre for a very long time on the web. There are other types of contents like games, a blog. It is a real community that exists around this site dedicated to manga porn.
What can be considered as an asset, can also turn out to be a disadvantage. Indeed, all these contents mixed on the same site can disturb the navigation and the understanding of the site. But, what is the most constraining is the obligation to connect to see the free content. The procedure is fast but we don't understand this necessity if we just want to consult and not participate to the community. Another negative point is the abundant presence of advertising. The site forces us to deactivate our adblocker on desktop and we get dozens of ads, impossible to close because they open new windows.
So, to summarize: Luscious is a real reference in hentai porn with exclusive contents and a very active community. But, the navigation on the site is not intuitive nor fluid.
Last modification date: 12-20-2022
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